Cyber Threat Guardian
Cyber Threat Guardian (CTG) is a multi-player card game, for ages five and up, that introduces players to technology and cybersecurity terms and concepts.
Collegiate cyber defense competition where teams of 8 defend real-world networks
World's largest cyber defense competition cofounded with the Air Force to inspire students towards STEM careers
Individual or team network assessment and network defense competition where competitors vie for control of resources
Collegiate cyber defense competition where teams compete by securing provided virtual machines
Low- and no-cost professional training solutions through certification prep courses and cybersecurity awareness training.
Research-based cybersecurity courses aimed at helping individuals in states and communities nationwide to develop and improve their own cybersecurity programs
We customize training, host workshops, and conduct community-wide exercises to suit your organization’s individual needs
Cyber Threat Guardian (CTG) is a multi-player card game, for ages five and up, that introduces players to technology and cybersecurity terms and concepts.
About Cyber Threat Protector Cyber Threat Protector (CTP) is a multi-player card game, targeting grades 3-5, that introduces players to technology and cybersecurity terms and concepts. With an average game lasting 20 minutes, players will learn basic cybersecurity terminology, be introduced to a network infrastructure, learn about the relationships between
(July 8, 2020) — Actively working to improve the Nation’s culture of cybersecurity, the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS) at the University of Texas at San Antonio has developed Cyber Threat Protector, a new tabletop card game that is designed to introduce cybersecurity principles and safety to players – beginning in the third grade.
(October 3, 2019) — Cybersecurity is critical for individuals, companies and the military. See how high-tech and low-tech are holding hands to prevent security hack attacks. The University of Texas at San Antonio invented a new card game, which pairs with a digital game to teach people of all ages how to protect their assets.
The CIAS was established at UTSA in June of 2001 as part of UTSA’s creation of a cybersecurity program. The CIAS delivers quality research, training, K-12 education, and competition and exercise programs to advance organizational and community cybersecurity capabilities and collaboration.