a collection of entities working together to help improve security around Texas
In 2019, the Texas Legislature called for the creation of an ISAO to provide a forum for state agencies, local governments, public and private institutions of higher education, and the private sector to share information regarding cybersecurity threats, best practices and remediation strategies.
Partnered with the CIAS
The CIAS represents UTSA’s contribution as one of the founding partners of the ISAO. The CIAS is responsible for assisting the TxISAO membership with education and awareness to promote preparation for, protection from and prevention of cyber threats and attacks.
Sign Up
Members of any organization, that operate within Texas, can sign up to receive their TxISAO alerts by signing up for News and Intelligence emails. Learn more or sign up here.
CIAS-ISAO Resources
As a member of the TxISAO, the CIAS provides monthly education updates to the TxISAO members through their monthly webinars and e-newsletters. Education articles on topics ranging from cybersecurity policies to conducting vulnerability assessments can also be accessed on CIASISAO.org.
A deeper discussion into popular articles are also made available in one-hour webinars to CIAS-ISAO members.