Global Leader Since 2005
Competitions that Educate Train Prepare
The CIAS is a pioneer and global leader in cybersecurity competitions.
- Recognized by the 111th Congress in House Resolution 1244
- Recognized for our competition efforts in the Presidential Cyberspace Policy Review
- Awarded in 2011 the inaugural "Leadership in Security" award from Visa for our work on the CCDC

National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition
SInce 2005, the CIAS has been proud to present the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition system (CCDC), which was the first cybersecurity competition to focus on the operational aspect of managing and protecting an existing "commercial" network infrastructure.
Get ready for NCCDC 2025! National Championship happens in:

The CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, co-founded by the CIAS with the Air Force Association, is the world’s largest cyber defense competition. The purpose and design is to inspire students toward careers in cybersecurity or other STEM disciplines critical to our nation's future.
National Finals:

Panoply, a network security competition, is a network assessment and network defense competition combined into a single event. Panoply events may be played as individual or team competitions. During Panoply, competitors vie for control of common resources and the critical services on those resources.
Next Panoply takes place in:

The CIAS launched Hivestorm in 2019 as a collegiate-focused cyber defense competition, and grew 20% in 2020. Teams compete by securing provided Windows and Linux based virtual machines – removing malware and other infections, correcting misconfigurations, mitigating vulnerabilities, disabling vulnerable services, and so on.