also known as
“open source” software
libre software
free software
the freedoms
0. the freedom to use it
1. the freedom to edit it
2. the freedom to share it
3. the freedom to share your edits
also known as
“open source” software
libre software
free software
the freedoms
0. the freedom to use it
1. the freedom to edit it
2. the freedom to share it
3. the freedom to share your edits
Proprietary software
(software that
controls the user
Power is given to the developer
Often turns into malware due to power corruption
Can force you to upgrade, even if it will cause harm
Can spy on you without you knowing
Can be rife with malicious functionality
Developer has incentive to make it addicting, controlling and manipulative
Can be designed to censor, restrict, and abuse you
Can stop working forever
Cannot be verifiably secure
freedom-respecting software
(software that
the user controls
Power is given to the user
Can be used forever
Can be used however you want
Can be fixed and improved by anyone in the world
Can have any malicious functionality removed
Does not require you to trust the developer
Don't code? You can hire someone you trust to check it for you
Like a recipe, helps everyone and has no "owner"
More reliable than proprietary software
Which world do YOU want to live in?
Easy to share
The TED talk by the original philosopher.
Thirteen minutes covering the world of software freedom,
found in many formats here